A “Landowner-First” Approach to Renewable Energy
With BrightSky Renewables, you lease part of your land and earn more than you do farming, all without costing you one dollar or using any of your water. This is a great option for many landowners, including farmers who have fallow land or could benefit from a strong and consistent revenue stream to offset the unpredictable income from farming operations. Best of all, you get these benefits with no capital investment and no risk on your part.
Reduce Your Energy Bill With BrightSky Renewables
Solar energy provides businesses with an unbeatable opportunity to reduce energy costs. With BrightSky Renewables, you can lower your energy bill with no upfront capital investment. We engineer, permit, finance, and install a solar energy system on your property, and you buy the energy, not the solar equipment. All of this translates into big savings for your business.

Benefits of
Harvesting the Sun
Zero Cost to You
Our solar installations offer you the potential to earn more than farming without costing you one dollar or using any of your water.
Zero Water Consumption
Eliminate your biggest expense in maintaining productive land.
Zero Labor
Our model is designed to benefit you without any financial burden. We handle the development, permitting, installation, and maintenance costs.
Zero Risk
You earn monthly revenue, regardless of your system’s energy output.
Harness the
Power of the Sun
Zero Upfront Investment
You buy the energy, not the solar equipment.
Zero Maintenance
BrightSky operates and maintains your solar installation at no cost to you.
Big Savings
Save up to 50% on your energy bill.
Safeguard your business against power outages and price fluctuations.

Putting Landowners
BrightSky Renewables was founded by a third-generation California cattle rancher and farmer. Our mission is to help landowners conserve water and reap the financial benefits of participating in the transition to clean energy.
Leadership Team
Creating reliable cost savings through solar requires a comprehensive understanding of the technological, economic and regulatory aspects of the industry. Our team has successfully developed and managed an extensive array of solar projects, from small-scale community installations to large utility-scale ventures. With BrightSky Renewables, your business is in good hands.
How It Works
We plan and design a solar installation based on your energy needs and your property/facility.

We handle all permits and regulatory/compliance details from A to Z.

BrightSky installs, monitors, and maintains your custom solar installation to ensure high performance.

You purchase power from BrightSky at a significantly reduced rate compared to conventional utility electric.